Cecchetto Winery is a family business that has a long tradition in vine growing and wine making. It is located in Tezze di Piave, in the heart of the Piave DOC area, in the province of Treviso.
The story of Giorgio Cecchetto is deeply rooted in his land of origin, the land of Raboso, a wine that is hard to tame and strikes with its rough and daring, even ungracious character. Consequently Giorgio’s commitment and effort are meant to make the most of this wine, a sort of beloved child. To the point that he has gathered the contribution of five authoritative scholars for a book about Raboso, that is the former director of the Conegliano Experimental Institute of Viticulture, Antonio Calò, the doctor, nutritionist and University Professor, Francesco Francini, journalist Paolo Lauciani, the wine and food historian, Giampiero Rorato, and agronomist Diego Tomasi.
The book IL RABOSO DEL PIAVE – Fascinosa realtà delle terre del Piave (The charming reality of the Piave land) which is also translated into English, is meant to reassess the true nature of Raboso Piave, an autochthonous wine. According to Giorgio Cecchetto, “it is an essential element of our heritage as much as our land, its good and bad seasons and the 500-year-old history of our people who have kept and renewed the tradition of Raboso, always looking at the future with hope and confidence”
Also the other wines by Cecchetto are carefully conceived and carried out, such as Sante Rosso, a 2006 Piave DOC Merlot awarded “the best Italian Merlot”. It got such prize at the 6th national contest of Italian Merlots at the 9th Merlot Exposition held in Aldeno (in the province of Trento). Sante Rosso is produced only in the best vintages and develops a modern concept : grapes traceability. As a matter of fact, Giorgio Cecchetto has registered every vine of each row, and the excellent 2006 vintage has allowed him to locate the 14 rows bearing the best Merlot grapes in the “Largoni” vineyard.